Poland Parks & Recreation
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Poland Seniors

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Christmas Brunch at Cyndi's Dockside 2011
This is a group of adults (ages 55+.....though age is only a number) who get together to go on trips and participate in a variety of activities. We currently have 40 members.  We do many fun things such as play cards, go bowling, attend public theatre performances, go on day long excursions to places such as Cabbage Island for a clambake and the Botanical gardens in Boothbay Harbor.

Poland Senior Center
In May 2016 we opened the Poland Senior Center which is in the basement of the Town Hall. This allows us to provide more regularly scheduled activities.  Our group is supported by the Poland Parks & Recreation Department which helps coordinate transportation and provides some financial assistance to reduce our trip and activity costs.  Members are expected to pay for anything they attend that has a fee associated with it.

Dues are $10.00 annually.
Membership supports our program, which provide special discounts on trips and activities. You are not required to be a member in order to attend trips or be involved in activities if you pay the regular price. Please let us know if the cost is a challenge for you and we will see if we can help!

Join us for a meeting and find out what's going on!!!
Meetings:  Second Saturday of every month @ 10:00am at the Poland Town Hall-Ground level.
At times we may meet at other times & locations.  PLEASE CHECK MEETING MINUTES FMI.

Poland Senior Board:
President:  Charlotte McCleary
Vice President: Patty McGillvary
Treasurer:  Rose Dulberg
Secretary: Nancy Green

Poland Seniors By-laws:  Updated-January 9, 2016   

Article 1:  Name and Purpose   1. The name of the organization shall be Poland Town Seniors. It is an organization formed and operated under the jurisdiction of the Poland Recreation Department.  2. The purpose is to provide activities for the “Over 55” citizens of Poland which may include other local towns.  

Article 2: Membership  1. Eligibility for membership is open to “Over 55” residents. Membership is granted after  paying the annual dues on or about July 1 of each year.
  2. Annual dues: Voted annually by the majority of the membership and recorded in the June minutes.  3. All paid up members have the right to vote.  4. Non-members may attend meetings, however cannot hold office or vote.  

Article 3: Meeting of Members    1. Regular meetings shall be held the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m. Meetings will not be held during the following months: July, August, and December.   2. Notice of meetings: printed or e-mail notices of each meeting will be sent out to paid members two weeks prior to meetings.  3. Quorum—Any number of members at any properly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.  4. Voting—all issues will be decided by a simple majority of paid up members present. In a case of a tie, the vote of the President or highest officer present shall be the deciding vote and accepted as final.  

Article 4: Officers and Duties    1. President----shall preside at club meetings and act as spokesperson for the club. The President is also charged with the execution of the club’s by laws and actions.  2. Vice President----shall act for the President when the President is unavailable. He/She may be given duties and responsibilities by the President.  3. Secretary----shall keep minutes of meetings and attendance rolls of meetings. He/She shall be responsible for all club correspondence as directed by the President.  4. Treasurer---- shall collect, distribute, and record monies for the club. Records will be available to any paid up member upon request. Funds are managed thru the Poland Recreation Department account   #50-500-1-5220   
Article 5: Terms of Office  1. An officer may be removed by a majority vote of paid up members.  2. Officers shall serve one year from July 1 to June 30   3. Officers shall be elected at the June meeting by a simple majority of paid up members      present at the meeting.  Article—Expenditures  1. Any expenditure amounts over $50:00 must be approved by the Director of the Poland Parks & Recreation Department.  Article 7—Amendments to Bylaws  1. Amendments can be suggested by any paid up member. A majority vote of paid up  members will be required to amend the Bylaws.

President: Charolette McCleary
Vice President: Pat McGillivary
Secretary: Nancy Green
Treasurer: Rose Dulberg
Activities Director: Marilyn Flynn

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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